Archive for the ‘xp’ Category

AutoHotkey: Script Shortcuts, Mouse Clicks, More

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

Yesterday I downloaded a great little application that a coworker recommended: AutoHotkey. Similar to Texter or other utilities that allow you to assign keyboard shortcuts to input text strings, AutoHotkey does all that and more. And, unlike Texter, it works on Vista (and XP), and I haven't run into the ...

Monitor Windows CPU Usage

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

From the archives: I originally published this entry on Wednesday, January 25th, 2006. This entry was never the most popular -- 494 page views with 450 unique through 11/13/2006 -- but it's one of the first things I find myself doing whenever setting up a new computer, so hopefully ...

How to Configure Windows XP to Login Automatically

Thursday, January 31st, 2008

It's still only Day #1 of the new and I already have a list of more than 2 dozen topics I'll be sharing with you. It's actually pretty exciting coming up with ideas. There are so many fun tips 'n tricks about how I use my computer that I'm ...