Archive for the ‘scripts’ Category

AutoHotkey: Script Shortcuts, Mouse Clicks, More

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

Yesterday I downloaded a great little application that a coworker recommended: AutoHotkey. Similar to Texter or other utilities that allow you to assign keyboard shortcuts to input text strings, AutoHotkey does all that and more. And, unlike Texter, it works on Vista (and XP), and I haven't run into the ...

Unix/Linux Find & Replace in Multiple Files

Friday, February 1st, 2008

Here's a classic that I originally published 20 February 2003 - 11:14. This entry was the #1 most popular post between 11/19/2005 and 11/13/2006, receiving 16,443 page views (13,653 unique) during that time. Since it's damn near impossible to find online the simplest way to scan a Unix directory of files, ...